Ivomec Classic Pour On


* Ivomec Classic Pour-On for the treatment and control of gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms, eyeworms, warbles, chorioptic and sarcoptic mange and sucking and biting lice in beef and non-lactating dairy cattle
* Clear Pour-On which should be applied along the mid-line of the back in a narrow strip between the withers and tailhead
* Active ingredient: Ivermectin
* Dosage = 1ml per 10kg bodyweight ( based on a recommended dosage level of 500 micrograms/kg bodyweight)
* Withdrawal Period = Cattle may be slaughtered for human consumption only after 15 days from the last treatment
– Do not use in cows producing milk for human consumption
– Do not use in non-lactating dairy cows including pregnant heifers within 60 days of calving
* Only available in Rep of Ireland

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